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The Enthusiast is a pop-culture podcast with a focus on being positive. Every week, we’ll go through what we’re currently enjoying in the world’s of music, TV, film, video games, comics, wrestling and general pop culture. Aside from that, we have regular weekly articles about all of the above, and some of the best guest contributors going today.


KieranKieran is twenty-three years old, is the co-host of the show, and he studies Television and Radio Production at Salford University. A few years ago he made the conscious decision to carry on liking things as long as they made him happy, as such, he fills his life with as many video games, comic books and wrestling shows as he can fit into any given day. You can find his various homes online all in one convenient place, at his About.Me page.


ShaunShaun is the other co-host of the show, and is a huge fan of all things film related. He watches so many films, that he had to get a job at a cinema so he could get into them for free. When he’s not watching films, or talking about films, he’s writing about films on his blog Rant Over, or his two weekly features right here at The Enthusiast. His puns aren’t as good as he thinks they are, but that doesn’t stop him.


CassieCassie was the first person to agree to contribute to this site, and with that, earned the hosts’ undying gratitude. A newcomer to shooters, her Facebook updates documenting her journey through the worlds of Mass Effect were so enjoyable, we had to pinch her for ourselves. When she’s not blasting geth in the face, or driving the Mako off a cliff, she’s teaching kids in Japan, or reblogging gifsets of tennis anime.


JoshJosh Longley, aka Mongles, aka Fruit, aka Ragh Congley, aka J Lizzle, aka Martin Ongles is one-half of the brilliantly debauched XXX GiRLS, who make rock and roll about the sort of things rock and roll is supposed to be about; sex and Star Wars. When he’s not tearing up stages all around Sheffield, Manchester and Leicester, he writes incredibly intelligently about some of the best music you’ve not heard by some of the best bands you absolutely have.


Monsiuer WrestlingLittle is known about the mysterious Monsieur Wrestling. We know he was a very successful luchador in his native France, and throughout Europe, but his career was tragically cut short by an unknown injury. Since then, he turned to a career in wrestling journalism, and although we don’t know why he chose The Enthusiast as his home on the internet, we’re proud to have such an eloquent writer on the subject writing for us.


Aunty-GibWhen Aunty Gib isn’t gorging on chicken nuggets, or indulging in a bit of recreational meth-amphetamine abuse, she’s actually one of the most gifted Agony Aunts the world has ever seen. No problem is too big or too small for Aunty Gib, who is known for her unique take on all of life’s modern problems. Just try not to mention the Metrolink around her. Seriously. Do not mention the Metrolink.


BethThe Enthusiast’s resident fashion expert, Beth knows next to nothing about the four-colour adventures of superheroes, but she knows how to accessorise, and her brutally honest critiques of the best and worst superhero costumes have been known to bring overgrown muscle-men to their knees in a pile of wet, slightly radioactive sobbing.

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